Higher ED Reseller Reference Library

Table Of Contents
This CD-ROM contains several sales and marketing pieces to help you and your
staff sell NeXT computers. Below is a listing of the library contents by directory:
Business Binder
The electronic files to the reseller “Doing Business with NeXT” binder, indexed for Digital Librarian.
The Order Guide and Order Form for collateral orders through NeXT’s mailhouse, The Hibbert Group.
Competitive information on NeXT versus other products in the workstation market.
The Higher Education Demo Mailbox featuring academic projects developed on NeXT computers.
P.O.S. Flyers
Product data sheet templates and a price list template that can be customized with your pricing for use in your NeXT demo area.
Line Art & Logos
Product clip art you can use to create your own flyers. For trademark information regarding the use of NeXT logos, please refer to the reseller “Doing Business with NeXT” binder.
Useful tools related to the higher education market including press articles, faculty testimonials, success stories, Mathematica information, a guide to NSF funding, and back issues of NeXT on Campus, indexed for Digital Librarian.
NeXTedge course and product data sheets as well as back issues of the support bulletin, indexed for Digital Librarian.
Back issues of NeXTNews for Campus Resellers.
Articles and press releases on NeXT and third-party products.
Product Data Sheets
The electronic files of each current NeXT product data sheet.
Product Ordering
The question and answer sheet on Release 3 and NeXTSTEP 486 hardware configurations.
The Third-Party Products Ordering Guide for Higher Education and the electronic files of the Winter 1992 Software & Peripherals guide, indexed for Digital Librarian.
User Groups
The current directory of NeXT User Groups Around the World with contact information for each group.
White Papers
The electronic files of all NeXT white papers.