Higher Education

One of NeXT's most successful markets was Higher Education. There were many reasons but I believe the most significant ones were:

  1. The ease with which traditional Unix applications could be moved to NeXTSTEP then have a GUI added. Years of research was made available to rest of the researrch community that would otherwise have set idle. Ease of use made the difference. NeXTSTEP’s Interface builder made the difference.
  2. The built in Digital Signal Processor and supporting software development libraries made a difference as well.
  3. The fact that a Mathematica license was included with every workstation sold to education was also a major factor.
  4. NeXT also compiled a document aimed at helping education institutions find the funding needed to install a classroom of NeXT computers.

NeXT Guide to Funding from the National Science Foundation

The following pages provide document the research and teaching aided by NeXTSTEP.