MAPIWARE for NeXTStep was a comprehensive set of user and administrative cools providing multimedia electronic messaging from the desktop using any combination of private or public networks worldwide. Based on the 1988 X.400 standards coupled with the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), MAPIWARE was a full implementation of the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) first developed by Microsoft for Windows Chicago. This rich client/server messaging environment was available to the NeXTStep user.

ISOCOR offered a user interface called ISOPRO for NEXTSTEP, which brought the X.400 feature set to the screen and could handle transfer of binary files of almost any size and type plus EDI, e-mail, faxing and security features for commercial and government applications. ISOPRO could be used with ISOCOR's ISOPLEX Directory Services using X.500.

MAPIWARE for NeXTStep required ISOCOR's ISOPLEX messaging server or other server accessible via MAPI Provider modules.

$95 to $295 per user
Pricing was based on the volume licensed.
Qty in the collection: 0