Message System and In/Out Board

The messages and comments could be set to be publicly readable so that people could call in from out of the office and receive from another office worker or receptionist any new or urgent messages. Messages were delivered via Front Desk so that you don't need to open another application to read your messages.
- The Front Desk interface with NeXT and ASCII e-mail allowed complete flexibility for users to define just how they want to receive their messages. The Archive feature allowed users to prioritize their messages and allows comments to be added to existing messages.
- Some sites required message security. The installation process of Front Desk provided a means to enable message security where only the recipients of Front Desk messages may read them.
- The public comments feature of Front Desk allowed users to have their public comments updated to reflect their current status. For example, say that one day you are out of the office and are delayed in a meeting. A quick phone call and the receptionist could leave word of your delay for all of your co-workers.
- Another useful feature of Front Desk extended the benefits of Front Desk to everyone on your network! Non-NeXT users could be listed as Guest users and have messages forwarded to them via email and their In/Out status listed and managed by a NeXT user of Front Desk.
- With all these features and more, Front Desk was your key to efficient telephone message management and staff availability tracking.
- Client/Server Architecture
- Integrated In/Out Board and "While You Were Out" Messaging System
- Optional NeXTMail or ASCII email Message Delivery
- Hot Keys for Status Updates
- Operates over SLIP Connections
- Full RTF Support in all Message and Comment Fields
- Urgent Messages are Color-coded (User selectable)
- Type-ahead Selection
- Message Printing
- On-Line Help
- User Defined Personal Profiles
- Date and Time Stamps for Messages
- Support for NeXTmail Pictures
- Icon Animation Alerts for Unread Messages
- Message Archiving
- Message Forwarding
- Secure Mode for Message Privacy
- Ability to Add Guest Users
FrontDesk merged the proven functionality of the familiar telephone message notes and a traditional in/out board with the powerful networking capabilities of NEXTSTEP. Designed for networked workgroups, FrontDesk provided a cost-effective solution to keeping track of telephone messages and the whereabouts of staff. Everyone in your busy office, including the non- NEXTSTEP users on your network, could realize gains in productivity when their FrontDesk messages were delivered reliably and securely. Message archiving, optional message logs, powerful sorting, and the ability to annotate archived messages meant your staff could respond to clients more efficiently. Because FrontDesk ran on NEXTSTEP portable computers, getting messages when you're out of the office was easier than ever with SLIP, UUCP, and the nationwide pager interface.
With FrontDesk, your staff would never have to guess who's in and who's out. A simple selection could tell you when a co-worker will be back or even the phone number or extension where that person could be reached. A public comments section allowed a receptionist or any of your staff to update information on a selected user.
Integrity Solutions, Inc.
$85 per user, 5 user minimum
Call for information on site licensing and volume discounts.
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