WE-3179c/WE-3179g IBM 3270 Terminal Emulation

workstation ig in Switzerland offers a family of IBM 3270 emulation products for NeXT and Intel 486/586 systems. A character-only (WE-3179C) and a graphic (WE-3179G) version of the terminal were available. 3287 printer emulation was also provided.

All the products provided graphic utilities for keyboard mapping, macro definitions and color editing. Both printer output and screen hardcopies were convened to ACSII or PostScript and could he routed to a printer, spooler, or data file.

The resizable emulation window could be surrounded with buttons whose functions and labels can be defined by the user.

INDSFILE file transfer protocol as well as WE-HLLAPT (a fairly complete subset of IBM'S xHLLAPI) and WE-SCRIPT (a script language on WE-HLLAPI) were implemented. The companion WE-COMD server emulates the 3174 controller and allowed connections to TCP/IP, Token Ring, X.25 (QLLC) and coax (DFT).

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