DAN, The Data Analyzer
DAN 2.0 included built-in functions for calculator-like operations on memory data tables: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reciprocal, logarithms, powers, reverse X-Y, scaling, shifting, trig functions, merging/sorting of tables, integration, differentiation, FFTs, smoothing, least-squares fits and generation of internal function data.
Interactive techincal data analysis system
- Presentation X-Y plotting, 2-D graphing
- Labels: Greek, symbols, sub/super-scripts
- Integration: calculator-like math on tables
- Overlaid graphs, up to 1000; legends
- Error-bars, horizontal and/or vertical
- Save and restore plot attributes
- Plot scaling, shifting, zooming
- Dynamic cursor coordinates
- PostScript or TIFF output
- Fast Fourier transforms
- Data sorting and merging of files
- Function generation (customizable)
- Curve fits for data function modeling
- Several file I/O formats (customizable)
- On-line help system; easy menus/windows
- Draw-like annotation of plots (arrows, lines, circles, etc.)
- Many plot types: line, scatter, bar, area, pie-chart, contour
- Custom program your own C-language analysis seamlessly
Triakis, Inc.