
DraftTool was a full-featured document assembly system; an expert rules-based application that facilitates the creation of complex documents based on rules and conditional text. The DraftTool system was designed for law firms, corporate legal departments, financial institutions, banks, healthcare organizations, and other concerns reciuiring the production of large, complex, or repetitive documents. DraftTool was the successor 10 the well-known legal document assembler for DOS: WorkForm.

DraftTool allows you to develop a template for documents combined with a rule set, to draft a customized document from a database of text. The text comes from master documents or a database of boilerplate text. The rule-set questions are ones that you would typically answer in order to know which text to include in the assembly of a complex document. DraftTool creates a document file thai could be relaunched in leading NEXTSTEP document processors (for example, Edit or WordPerfect3, and soon Pages by Pages and WriteUp). A beta version of DraftTool is available now.

Inherent Technologies, Inc.
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