
WriteUp contained templates, named paragraph styles, and runaround for flowing text around graphics. A page navigator allows rapid access co any document page with thumbnail sketches of all pages. WriteUp could display multiple views of documents at zoom factors from 10 to 1600 percent. AFS Document Interchange Bundles (DIBs) let WriteUp read and write popular word processor formatted files such as RTF and RTFD. In 1994, AFS released DIBs for both WordPerfect and Microsoft Word.
Natural NEXTSTEP Ease of Use & Integration.
WriteUp was the first word processor built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of NEXTSTEP. Standard support for fonts, formatting, RTF/RTFD, Object Links, Filter services, drag & drop, common NEXTSTEP user interface panels, and direct manipulation were all implemented in WriteUp. Graphic support for TIFF and EPS along with filter services support made graphics a breeze.
Paragraph Styles and Document Templates for Consistent Look & Feel
Today's business climate demands consistent look and feel in documents. WriteUp made it a snap to define paragraph "styles" and document templates to make each document look professional.
Mail Merge Capability for Business Documents
Communicating with clients and leveraging a customer base is essential. From simple form letters to much more complex quotations or proposals, WriteUp's Mail Merge capability eased the task of customization of documents.
Application Programming Interface for Mission-Critical Custom Application Developers
WriteUp's API allowed developers to build cooperating applications that could run WriteUp by "remote control." Complex data-driven reports, tables of contents, handling very long documents, and complicated indices all were possible.
Customization of WriteUp Available
Because WriteUp existed in the NEXTSTEP environment and was completely object oriented, it could be customized to specific client needs. AFS' experience with providing custom software to clients ensured a smooth and quick implementation of client requirements.
WriteUp Brochure
Anderson Financial Systems. Inc.

Qty in the collection: 1

Qty in the collection: 1