Digital Audiometer

Digital Audiometer, software plus hardware, enabled investigations of threshold of hearing in the frequency range from 20 to 20,000 hertz, with frequency resolution of 1 Hz and amplitude resolution of 1 decibel. All standard tests were available. Moreover, some special hearing evaluation procedures were implemented, which were seldom applied in practice today due to technical problems. Various nonstandard tests were available for investigation of DLs (Difference Limens), temporal resolution and so on. Digital Audiometer allowed for an easy assessment of intensity, frequency and temporal resolving capabilities of the normal and impaired auditory systems.

Calibration of the audiometer was not required due to the stability of the digital circuitry. This new audiometer allowed for a more accurate evaluation of hearing loss, auditory problems, and capabilities. It was particularly important for the generation of more advanced digital and semi-digical hearing aids.

Digital Audiometer was developed in collaboration with the Sound Engineering Department of the Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland.

Digital Recordings
Academic discounts were available.