M2001 Medical Telediagnostic

The M2001 medical telediagnostic multitasking workstation permitted on-screen diagnosis from any standard imaging modality. Clinical images were easily displayed, zoomed, and manipulated using mouse point-and-click commands. Radiologists could view images in motion (cine) as well as quickly adjust contrast and brightness of individual images. Anatomy of interest can be measured, annotated and included in the radiologist's report, which could be quickly printed on paper using the 650 dpi Laser Printer.

Once completed, a report and clinical images could he archived for later use or transmitted to a remote M2001 workstation, MS-DOS PC, or a facsimile unit over standard or high-speed telephone lines. Busy radiologists and doctors could easily review the diagnostic studies for speedy remote consultations. Options included:

  • M2001 movie package for fast transfer of sound (such as a radiologist's dictation) and motion images in cine format to a standard videotape
  • MS-DOS M2001 software with a capability to interface with hardware running MS-DOS
  • M2001 Laptop version with wireless capability to receive and send clinical images and the radiologist's reports via the cellular telephone connections
